Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys in NYC, Westchester, and the NY Metro Area

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Jan 1, 2025 Medicaid resource and income limits and 2025 Nursing Home Regional Rates.
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The Community Medicaid 'look back' implementation is pushed back again to April 2025.
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Our firm will help you every step of the way, carefully listening and understanding your needs and goals, explaining your options, and then devising and implementing the plan best calculated to achieve your objectives. The sooner you get started, the sooner your plan will be in place.


Schedule a Consultation

You will sit down with an Elder Law attorney who will make a detailed assessment of your current situation and financial status, and whether eligibility for government benefits is or will be a significant issue for you. We will explain what actions might be needed to protect yourself, your assets, and your loved ones.


Learn about your situation

If a new or revised estate plan is your goal, we will explain your options for creating and implementing your plan. If you need, or will need, long-term care, we'll focus on how to get the care you need, and how to pay for it. If Medicaid benefits are appropriate, we'll explain the process, and how to protect all or at least a substantial portion of your assets. If a disabled person is involved, we'll focus on a plan to protect the assets available for that person without compromising their eligibility for benefits.


Together we will determine a plan

Whether you need estate planning, long-term care planning, disability planning, or a combination, the firm will map out a cost-effective strategy. The goals will be to protect as much of your money, income and assets as legally possible during your lifetime, while maximizing your access to high-quality long-term care. Upon your passing, the plan will also assure that your assets are efficiently distributed according to your wishes, while avoiding or reducing taxes to the extent possible.

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Find Your Situation
